New World 2000 Realty Inc., Brokerage

Monday, April 1, 2013

Five Reasons Home Owners Move

Family with moving boxes 

Moving from one property to another can be a lot of work.  There's so much to think about and it can be overwhelming, so why move?  Here are five reasons home owners sell their property and move:

1.      Sometimes people grow out of their starter home.  Maybe they had one or two children when they moved in, but now they have four children so they need a bigger house.  

2.      Some home owners might change their mind about a house they purchased.  At first they didn't care about having only one bathroom, but now it's an inconvenience.

3.      It might be necessary to move if one of the home owners gets a new job and it's a longer commute.  

4.      Their children have grown up and moved out so now they want a smaller home.  Empty nesters don't need all that extra space as it's just more to clean.

5.      Senior citizens might decide it's time to move into a retirement home because their home is difficult to maintain.

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